Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nasi Arab (Part 4) - D'Arab Cafe

Bangi Outlet
Here is another sequel of Nasi Arab but this one is operated and managed by our Malay owner. D'Arab Cafe have 3 outlets which 2 of them I have had visited. One located at food court of University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Bangi, second one in TTDI Jaya and if I am not mistaken the third one, the main outlet in Shah Alam Section 7 where I yet have not been there. The outlet in TTDI Jaya operates like usual restaurant concept and the outlet in Bangi operates as the food court concept.

Chicken Mandy
It was tempting to me to try out nasi Arab which prepared by non Tok Arab or non-Arabic cook, so my first visit to this restaurant was in TTDI Jaya which nearby to my office at Bukit Jelutong. I found the portion of the nasi Arab here is quite a lot as well as other places I visited so far. Its nasi little bit dry compared to others but still tasty to eat and I could say it still cannot beat Al Sabaq or Rawhsa which I believe it is their origin specialty.

Roasted Chicken
 Interested to taste it out, you can go to this restaurant at Jalan Opera B U2/B, Taman TTDI Jaya, Seksyen U2 Shah Alam or contact Pn Marpuah at 019 2215732.
Overall  - 3.9
Price - 3.5
Taste - 4
Environment - 4
Service - 4

1: Poor; 3: Not Bad; 5: Recommended;
Price : 4.5 - 5: Cheap; 3 - 4: OK; 1 - 2: Expensive;
Environment: >4: Recommended for family dining; 2 - 3: OK; <2: Poor for dining;

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